Saturday, our kids each had soccer games, one after the other. Each of my boys won their games (3 to 2 and 5 to 3). By the time the games were over, it was mid afternoon, we dropped them off with their grandparents and headed out to survey the basement. We were using a builders level that I rented, again. We had to do the job again because all the previous stakes were dug up during the excavation. Well, I should say most were dug up. Sherri had run some extra stakes further out so that we could re-establish the location of the center of the house. The excavators had been careful not to disturb those markers.
When we got there, it was kind of cool to be able to drive up our new driveway… Its the little things ;^)
We started with the long line that Sherri had marked out before the excavation. We tied some masons line between the stakes that she had placed 50ft on either side of the center (the excavation was about 60 ft across). We tied a plumb bob to the mason’s line at the middle point and let it hang into the excavation. The sand was also very soft and rough, so I spent some time flattening the area, especially around the hanging plumb, with my 10” tamper. I then positioned my marked concrete paver (90lbs) centered under the plumb and lined its etched angles up with the mason’s string overhead. Then we setup the builder’s transit over the paver (I finally have that setup process figured out after three rentals). Again, I used the overhead string (and the lines etched on the paver) to orient the transit. It took us about an hour of setup before we placed our first stake, but once we did, the rest went fairly straight forward. Since most of the key points for this design are positioned radially from the center, we just needed the transit for the angles and a measuring tape for the distances. This marked out the centers of the edges, then we offset these stakes by one foot (half the width of the footing) to get the true outer corners. In one corner, we use some Pythagoras (3-4-5 triangle) to square things up. We also put a lot of “extra” stakes in to make the curved shape clearer and topped it off by tying string along the perimeter of the footings. We actually had brought surveyors paint, but it didn’t work well on the sand.
The pit had not been excavated far enough and I had to do some manual digging along the way. The soft sand was easy to dig (I did all the work barefoot and pretended I was at the beach) but as I dug, the sandy wall would cave in and give me more to dig. I couldn’t throw the dirt out of the hole, so I tried tossing it “out of the way”. But I didn’t put it “out of the way enough” and I had to dig some of the same dirt again when I got to the next stake. Sherri thought that was funny. There were a few areas that had so much sand I just gave up and stuck the stakes in about where they would be. We called the excavator to come back and widen the excavation. That was a bit disappointing because it meant we would need to delay the start of the footings. Anyway, we got it all staked out by 9:20 PM (just before it got dark), but it was probably closer to 10:30 PM before we completed the long drive back and picked up our kids (an hour and a half later than planned), so we appreciate that my in-laws were merciful and hope they will still help us out next time ;^).
Hopefully the Excavator will go back and take care of the over-dig without disturbing these stakes or the centerstone marker (paver) too much and we can get to work on the footings. I found out that my footings guy uses a “Total Station” builders transit. It has a computer that does all the trig for you. We will let him stake it out next time. I just need to figure out how to transfer my drawings into the right format.
Well, it has begun! I will finally be telling my friends about this site so they can follow along. I also created a parallel Facebook page for those friends and family who always stay in Facebook. It also lets me have this cool “like” button on the right hand side of the screen. Since I plan to record and upload videos, I also started a channel for “” on Youtube. I uploaded my first video here…
Excavation, day 1
Excavation, day 1
We still have not closed on our loan, we don’t even have a closing date (we have had 3, but currently don’t have any). On the other hand, construction season is passing us by, so we decided to go ahead with the excavation.
We ended up going with Roe Brothers Excavation. I liked them personally, I liked that they met with me when they said they would and they got me a quote like they said they would. I also really liked the quote. I liked it so much, I was a bit concerned about what I would discover from the references. I was quite relieved when all the references came back very positive. I asked each reference when Roe Brothers had worked for them and they all said, “just a few weeks ago…” It actually took me a week to getting around to calling them, so that is a really good sign that they weren’t cherry picking their references.
Roe Brothers showed up right on time, actually, I got Marty, not sure if he is a brother or a nephew. I’ll ask him next time I get a chance. First, Sherri took care of the initial paperwork and payment. Then we reviewed the bulldozer plan, we discussed which area to level, how deep, and where to push the soil and dirt. They only had a bulldozer on site and said they wouldn’t actually be getting the excavator in that day. It was busy on another job, presumably with another brother? Most of the home is slab on grade, so we still needed to level the site today. But we would need to wait to excavate the basement portion until next Thursday. However, this backed up my schedule because the footings guy was scheduled for next Thursday… I called and canceled the footings, but then at the end of the day, we found out that the excavator will be available by noon tomorrow, so maybe we are back on track? I won’t call the footings contractor back until I know for sure.
On the one hand, my lot is sandy, so it was pretty easy to work with… On the other hand, there was a lot of sand to work with. There was a dip in the middle of the site. We need to go down to undisturbed earth for the footings, so we couldn’t just fill in the dip. Instead, the bulldozer had to get everything down to that lowest level. They setup a laser level at a certain height and then a device in the dozer would tell Marty if he was too high, too low, or just right. I think it took longer (and more work) than Marty was expecting, so it is a good thing that I was on a fixed bid. But Marty was good about it and went out of his way to do a great job. He even cleaned up the driveway slope at the end of the day.
While the bulldozer was busy doing his work, I was busy putting in a couple hundred feet of silt fence. I don’t expect any erosion, but it is a requirement of my “soil erosion permit” and the 60$ worth of silt fence and a few hours of manual labor are better than the $2500 fine for not putting it up. The boys helped a bit. They spent most of their lives hearing that this house was coming, so we took them out of school for the day so they could see the ground breaking. I got some pics of them helping with the silt fence, but it is on Sherri’s camera and I am too tired to upload them now. Instead, here are some fun ones I snagged with my cell phone.

My younger boy is a bit of a Ham.

They really enjoyed playing in the dirt pile during a break.

Perhaps you have a rich aunt Myrtle who died and left you all her money just to spite your cousins… Or perhaps you live in an area that lets you dig your earth sheltered home slowly as you find money? Maybe you are going to build an earth sheltered home for only 50$? Or perhaps your plan is just to save up and build in your golden years… I can’t comment much on those plans.
But if you plan to get a construction mortgage, maybe this page will help…
(Note: this is a placeholder as I am learning some valuable lessons the hard way. Once things are all sorted, I will come back and add some details)
Insurance and appraisal
One of the requirements for closing on the loan is to get the home insured. This is the same policy that will eventually become my regular home insurance, but in the mean time, it also provides coverage as we build, including coverage for onsite injuries and theft of tools or materials. It is reasonable for the bank, who is paying for most of the project, to want us to insure the site and the house afterwards. It was our insurance agent who was being unreasonable…