Shotcrete of the central circle
Posted on November 7, 2016 by
It was time to shotcrete the central circle of the house. This post is mostly a gallery of pics to tell the story, but first, the video…
Posted on November 7, 2016 by
It was time to shotcrete the central circle of the house. This post is mostly a gallery of pics to tell the story, but first, the video…
Posted on October 9, 2016 by
The style of the home is something my wife and I are calling “Modern Tuscan“. Â To us, this means a stucco and stone exterior. Â While the majority of the Quonset hut will be buried, the Fox Block ICF endwalls would be visible (and prominent) and need to be stuccoed. But first, we would need to attach lath to hold the stucco. Â Since the work was pretty standard, I decided to hire a professional to take care of the actual stucco work. Â This is the story of how that all came together, but first, the video.
As always, this is a journal of my progress, not a “how to”.  I don’t always do things the right way at the start, although I do usually learn from my initial mistakes.  For the lath, I read about attachment details like how often to put screws in each direction (and then I exceeded it), but I didn’t pay too much attention to the part about overlapping the lath and just butt jointed everything so the surface would be flatter for the stucco. Probably I was also thinking about saving on lath.  At a later point, I changed my mind, so the later pieces are properly overlapped…  Either way, the professional stucco guys said we did a good job and only needed to add some J-pieces to form the bottom edge.
With such a large and prominent wall, I knew I needed a window to break up the space. Â Personally, I think a square window would have looked stupid, so I bit the bullet and budgeted for a nice round window. Â At least I went with a standard diameter window so it wouldn’t need to be custom.
However, when I finally got to this stucco stage, I wasn’t ready to order the windows. I want to order them all at once to get the bulk discount, and I wanted to build all (or most) of the bucks before I order, so… Â In the meantime, I decided to go with polycarbonate Lexan. Â This is pretty basic stuff that you can buy from Home Depot less than 1/10th the price of a window. Â The R-value is also pretty similar to a double pane window. Â I figured it would at least give us a temporary solution that would keep the inside dry over the winter.
It ended up looking so good, I might just decide to keep it this way. Â We will see how well it holds up to UV. Â Obviously, if it yellows or cracks over time, I will switch to glass. Â But it did claim to be “UV stable” and has looked fine so far, so I am optimistic.
Still, I wanted to make sure that the window opening was ready for proper glass so that the stucco edge would all be done correctly. Â We used wood strips to form a curb, and then put two layers of the tar paper to protect the wood and then a strip of lath to hold the stucco. Â Lots of screws…
I have had many struggles with getting contractors to work on the more unusual parts of my build, but I was surprised to even have trouble getting something as basic as “stucco over ICF”. Â Very few of these companies advertise properly, probably because most are kept busy by professional builders and are not actually looking for work. Eventually, I went to the stucco supplier and asked for a list of names and recommendations. Â One of those paid off, but even then I had to wait quite a while to fit into the schedule.
Of course, the contractor, Hoffman Plastering, did a great job in terms of how nice and flat the wall was (they certainly had to compensate for my less than professional ICF job). Â Their classic worm finish was also excellent.
However, in the months after the stucco was applied, we did get a bunch of fairly obvious cracks in various places and we have not been able to get them to come out and take a look.  On the phone, they said that it was probably my fault. Essentially, they blamed the copper cap and said that water probably got behind the stucco and froze, but I was able to find pics showing the start of the cracks before the first freeze, also the cracks look more like ones that are caused by expansion and contraction of the stucco its self.  Basically, I imagine that if the south wall expanded in the sunshine, this narrow region would be the highest stress concentration and the most likely to crack. The inspector thought it may have been that the top layer was applied too soon after the brown coat. The contractor may have rushed that step because the work was done in October. The cracks are not wide enough to get the edge of a coin or screwdriver in there, but are still concerning. The conclusion of this story is still on hold, but I should probably do something before winter when water might actually get in thru those cracks and cause further problems when it freezes.
I wish I could hire a contractor to stucco the rest of it. Â Their work was excellent (other than the cracking) and the quote to handle the rest of it was probably fair per square ft. Â The problem is just the large number of square ft required. The majority of the cost is the professional labor, the actual materials are a very small fraction of the cost. Â Therefore, I am guessing I will need to do it myself. With any luck, my skills will grow quickly.
As per usual… A collection of pics related to the lath and stucco.
Posted on August 28, 2016 by
When burying your home, structural strength is probably the most important thing, but a close second is waterproofing. Â My home will feature a number of layers of waterproofing (belt and suspenders analogy), but this layer of Blue Max liquid rubber is probably the most important. Â As usual, I did make some mistakes and we can get to that later, but first…
I had used a different waterproofing on the basement that I have since concluded was totally inadequate. Â That stuff cost about 255$ per bucket. Â I decided to switch to Blue Max after seeing it done on another earth sheltered home I was involved with. Â The Blue Max costs 100$ less per bucket, but it goes on much thicker, so you get fewer square feet per bucket. Also, I had to buy a whole pallet to avoid shipping costs and get a bulk discount. Â I calculated that the whole pallet should take care of most of my surface area according to their coverage estimate… Â but with all the lumps and bumps and holes due to the rough shotcrete surface, we used it up at about double the rate and I will need a second pallet for the rest of the house.
An unexpected and very heavy rain storm washing away our work.
Getting rained out that first day only made matters worse. Â Expensive water proofing was being washed off the house and the day was shot…
But it turned out to be only a moderate disaster.  Only some of the waterproofing really washed off, so the second layer went on nicely. Also, the lift rental company (Wolverine Rental) were really nice guys and let me keep the lift for free for a few more days to make up for the rained out weekend.
Basically, you have part of the crew shooting the shotcrete, and they need to keep moving to keep up with the concrete trucks. Â They can’t really stop to smooth it out.
When they are available, my Shotcrete guy charges an extra few hundred dollars per day per finishing guy.  These guys come after the gunner crew and trim off the excess and generally try to smooth it off.  Maybe “smooth” is a bit of an exaggeration, but “shaping” it does help to get rid of the worst lumps and bumps and splashes and slumps (if Dr. Suess did shotcrete).  The expensive waterproofing goes twice as far on the smoother walls and the savings quickly pay for the finishing guys…  Plus the smoother walls just look better and probably shed water better, etc.
So, paying for the finishing guys is a no-brainer. My only problem is that the finishing guys are not always available.  I was only able to get them for 3 out of the last 8 shotcrete days I have had.
We had a finisher on site when we shot the right side, but none were available when we shot the left…
As you may tell by the fact that I thought I could build this house in 18 months, I am an optimist. Optimists are generally much more pleasant than pessimists (or “realists” as they call themselves), but we do tend to get ourselves in trouble from time to time.
In this case, I thought that I would be able to get the next couple shotcrete sections in so I could bury the house before winter… Â Winter came early and that plan was derailed. Â Spring brought its own scheduling problems and now it is mid summer and we are still waiting on shotcrete.
This has left me with a problem of long term exposure to UV…
UV rays destroy most things, especially insulation and rubber waterproofing. Â The Blue Max guys say I should get their product covered (buried) within a month. Â I couldn’t. Â I did try covering it with large sheets of 6 mil black plastic, and I am sure that helped, but I had to fight with winter storms to keep that on. Â It has been a long time and I am seeing some signs of damage, but fortunately not nearly as dramatic as what is happening to the rigid insulation.
A zoom in on the surface after months of UV damage. You can see the little cracks.
Because of the lumps and bumps in the unsmoothed shotcrete, getting full coverage was very difficult. Â Sherri was doing touch-ups with a paint brush long after I was done with the sprayer. Â By the time she was done, we had only one single bucket of Blue Max left…
Sherri went back over most of the structure with a paint brush to get around all the little lumps and bumps… Using up even more Blue Max.
As usual, here are a bunch of pics to round out the story.