I am not fully sure on the blog etiquette here, but I wanted to show you a blog that I found and their “contact” link is broken. I am guessing they won’t mind, but they can always contact me if they want this taken down.
Take a look at this cobb and straw “mountain cottage” with an earth sheltered roof. I am not sure I really trust cobb or straw-bale construction in my SE Michigan climate, but their location in New Mexico is pretty cold and wet also… I don’t plan to give up my shotcrete cement plans and I could never take this long to build my house (although my overall timeline is already really long), but I think it is a real work of art worth showing to you all…
One funny side thing I noticed… It may have taken them 4 years to build their home, but their architect went from concept to permits in less than 4 months, which is pretty fantastic. I would have liked to have seen more of the drawings. I guess my home is more complicated and larger.
I also liked the condensed timeline layout, so I am adding a timeline to my site… It will make more sense then the blog when things start happening.
Here are a handful of pics from their site, you can find many more and even a bunch of other projects that I have not gone thru yet.
- Elevation drawing
- They hauled much of the earth up to the roof in buckets… Wow.
- This is a cobb and straw-bale mountain cottage with an earth sheltered (green) roof…
- Many hours of hand labor went into this home.
- The majority of the house was built by hand, I love the thick walls, the wood, even the colors.
- Keeping the new plaster misted…
Again, here is the link… http://www.claysandstraw.com/projects/mtncttge/mtncttge.htm